Intellectual Nourishment

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you are doing, someone else does.

Friday, December 9, 2011

GSSD in November

By Sara Laub
   Over the Thanksgiving weekend the water operator, Judy Leavitt, checked the well pump before starting work on the plugged line and found that the pump had seized. A new upgraded pump was put in to fit Gunlock’s needs better. Since the December 2010 flood, the old well pump ran for a few months and it was not designed for that kind of use. The new pump is designed to handle longer use and also has better ability turn on and off as needed without the same kind of wear. The board is expecting to have the EPA violation order dropped in January 2012. The order has been in force for one year and it should be dropped since the GSSD has met the requirements.
   The residual test in January is the last to be turned in on time as part of completing the order. The meeting dates and time for the GSSD will stay the same for 2012, which is the first Thursday of each month (except for July and August) at 7:00pm.
   It was said that the Ironman contribution given to the Town Hall will be used to fix items, like the roof, on the Town Hall.

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