Intellectual Nourishment

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you are doing, someone else does.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Gunlock Town Events for November

* Nov 4: General Election. VOTE!!!
* Nov 6: GSSD Meeting at the Town Hall at 7:00pm
* Nov 13: Gunlock Fire Department Meeting at the fire station 7:00pm
* Nov 27: Thanksgiving
* Mark your calendar: The Gunlock Christmas Program will be held on Christmas Eve at 6:00pm at the Town Hall. Contact Kim Bowler if you have any questions and parents please let her know if your child will be here for the program.

Monday, November 3, 2008

GSSD Meeting

By Sara Laub
The GSSD had many items of business for the October meeting.
The septic tank at the park has been a problem with large crowds and they are going to address the problem by checking and/or pumping it.
The well usage is going down and the fence has been put up around it.
There will be a survey done to help improve and maintain the GSSD standards to meet water users needs. The survey will be done for each household, so expect someone to contact you.
They are still working on the soda machine. They want to find an individual who will take over and put in a machine of their own, so the GSSD can cut out the cash being handled. There was talk of some used machines being $800 and the responsiblity for all maintenance, insurance, power bill and product would fall on the individual and the GSSD would no longer be involved.
The 2009 budget was discussed, and they want to see some of the money budgeted for: a boarder around the swing set, gravel at the park, basketball court lights, chlorine upgrades, and GSSD officer training.
The Todd Taylor water connection has poor water pressure and they will get advice to help improve it. The connection was approved before the new water system was put in and all the standards of water output were knowingly not met. The waterline was put in too close to the tanks and they knew their water pressure would be low.
Antifraud Policy has been finished and is available for each water user. If you haven’t received yours, contact the GSSD or pick it up at the meeting.

Good Deeds in Gunlock

By Ann Gasparac
I wanted to point out some of the good things that I see going on in Gunlock. There are many people making our community great and clean!
Reed Leavitt was cleaning up Ed Bowler’s property and taking down the willows and a dilapidated shed with all its junk, and added dirt to the berm on the river, which will help in times of flooding. It really looks nice.
Joseph Smith mowed the lawn at the Town Hall and the park. Thanks Joe! And he was spotted at Peterson’s with the lawn mower too.
Derrick Laub picked up garbage along side the road. He filled 5 grocery sacks full!
The Fransis Leavitt grandkids were spotted cleaning up her yard. Nice work.
Many thanks to all those who help our community.
Editors Note: If you spot a good deed in Gunlock, then let me know. I’ll put them in the coming newsletters.


By Sara Laub
All the media has said that this coming election is supposed to be the most important election, and more people are expected to vote than in previous years. There are a lot of issues at stake and people want to get the right person in office.
It is hard not to be skeptical of all the promises that candidates make. How can these candidates fix the economy and national debt when it has taken years to make them what they are?
As the candidates for president battled, I recognized that there are a lot of moral issues each one had taken opposites sides on. My skepticism was pushed aside and I understood the reality of how important each of our votes really are. They are right, there is a lot at stake during these elections.
What moral issues do you want to support for gay marriage and abortion? How much power do you want to give the government to fix the economy and make these moral decisions for us? Will their involvement help or hurt us? The choices our voted in leaders make will effect us.
We are so blessed to be in this country to have the freedoms that we do, and we are allowed to have the privilege to vote. We will get to see how important this election is as our candidates take office and see what kind of change takes place.

Fuel Prices vs Honesty

By Ann Gasparac
When the fuel prices per barrel went up, our prices went up the same day and then the next week they kept climbing. SURPRISE?! When the prices per barrel went down to where they are now, around $62 compared to over $100 per barrel before, our prices for fuel are still up! Why?
Honesty is one of the things we pride ourselves on in this state, so why is it that only one person that we have found in this area is honest in selling their fuel? The person we have found is in Veyo at the Spanish Trail Sinclair station. This manager is being harassed by other fuel stations because the prices are honorable. When I talked with the manager at the end of October, she said that she is making the same profit that she was making before the prices were high. She said she will continue to sell fuel at the same profit she always has.
We need to let the Spanish Trail Store know that honesty IS the best policy by supporting her and her efforts to stay moral under great pressure. We need to support our local honest stores through the winter so they can stay around and help us through our crisis.

Editor's Note: Do you have an opinion you would like to share? Submit it to the Informer and get your voice heard! (No Anonymous Submissions)

Mike and Stephanie Joyner Family

Our families moved to Vegas in 1963, and that is where we met in our junior year of high school. We married in 1972 and had two wonderful boys Brad and Travis. Mike soon created a company we called Mobile Lube Service and ran that for over 10 years. We sold to Haycock Distributing where he stayed on for a few years. We always seemed to be going to look for property with our friends Jackie and Alan Vohs. One morning they called and said, "Let’s go look around Brookside and Dameron." So, off we went. They ran into Bob Bowler at the Veyo Merc who they knew, and he said the Bundy place was for sale. So, we came down the hill and as we drove through we saw the Mckean place for sale. We also ran into Jim and Nadine Heaton who our friends knew from roping. As it was, our house in Henderson was in the process of being sold, so we also were in the market of buying. I loved the curb appeal of the house. We called the realtor and saw the home that afternoon and made an offer. Jim Heaton was kind enough to bring my horse to Gunlock after a roping he was at and we have become good friends since then.
We now have lived here for almost 8 years and we love it. Our son Brad moved in last fall and we have his daughter Presley on the weekends. Just recently our youngest son Travis, and his wife Tilly and their 2 boys Trevan and Trace have moved in temporarily. Travis made the move because of a job in St. George and that fell through after he made the move. Travis is now working in Caliente for Haycock. There was no problem with that because they wanted to get out of Vegas like everyone else. Thank goodness we finished off the basement a few years ago. When we moved here Mike was somewhat retired. A year and a half ago Mike was asked to return to Haycock full time. With the economy being what it is, the choice was a good move for him.We have been through the floods the fires and still we would not want to be any where else. Friends said we wouldn’t like being in such a small community and we would be back. It’s been wonderful and I love it here. I feel safe and welcomed.

Thanksgiving Coloring Page

Hey kids, do you want a cookie? Color this coloring page or make your own Thanksgiving picture and turn it into Sara. Make sure to think about all the things you are grateful for, because you will have to tell Sara three things that you are grateful for before you can turn in your picture and redeem your cookie! Bring your page in between Monday, November 17th and Friday, November 21st.