Intellectual Nourishment

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you are doing, someone else does.

Monday, April 6, 2009

A New Board Member Welcomed

By Sara Laub
The GSSD welcomed Dusty Leavitt to the board as he filled the vacancy Todd Taylor left. Leavitt will be the new person to call for problems or information about the water system.
In February Nadine Heaton and Roxanne Aplanap attended the RWAU conference and had received helpful information. Presenters reminded them that “paper stops attack” in reference to make sure that everything the board does is documented. Other items they noted were the government rules are really bi-laws and to use professionals to avoid legal issues, among other items. One of these applied to the park playground equipment assembly discussion, since using a professional would allow the GSSD to avoid legal issues if the playground equipment had problems in the future. Scott Holt said he could get cement donated and there was discussion to perhaps add swings to the equipment as well.
The board decided to meet in Veyo to look at the chlorination tablet system they use to get a better understanding about how it works and to see if it is something they would use for Gunlock’s system. It is appealing since it requires less work.
Aplanap was sent to gather information about printers and spent some time informing everyone of the options available. With some help from Rachel Campbell (she works for an office supply store), they could assess which printer would be the best for the board economically.
Holt also stated, as the meter committee, that a system will have to be put in place to read the meters because of the grants received for the water system.
The board did put into effect voting on items after public comment.

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