Intellectual Nourishment

The nice part about living in a small town is that when you don't know what you are doing, someone else does.

Monday, November 3, 2008

GSSD Meeting

By Sara Laub
The GSSD had many items of business for the October meeting.
The septic tank at the park has been a problem with large crowds and they are going to address the problem by checking and/or pumping it.
The well usage is going down and the fence has been put up around it.
There will be a survey done to help improve and maintain the GSSD standards to meet water users needs. The survey will be done for each household, so expect someone to contact you.
They are still working on the soda machine. They want to find an individual who will take over and put in a machine of their own, so the GSSD can cut out the cash being handled. There was talk of some used machines being $800 and the responsiblity for all maintenance, insurance, power bill and product would fall on the individual and the GSSD would no longer be involved.
The 2009 budget was discussed, and they want to see some of the money budgeted for: a boarder around the swing set, gravel at the park, basketball court lights, chlorine upgrades, and GSSD officer training.
The Todd Taylor water connection has poor water pressure and they will get advice to help improve it. The connection was approved before the new water system was put in and all the standards of water output were knowingly not met. The waterline was put in too close to the tanks and they knew their water pressure would be low.
Antifraud Policy has been finished and is available for each water user. If you haven’t received yours, contact the GSSD or pick it up at the meeting.

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